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Multirole Digital Artist

Cole Thompson


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Who is Cole?

Collection of work

Why Choose Cole Thompson for your team?

“Reliable, flexible and highly self motivated. Capable of working in a team or individually with minimal supervision and maximum enthusiasm. Excellent communicator for ideas with the ability to tackle new challenges which are approached with a determined and positive outlook. Utilises extensive knowledge to teach others and organises work to be completed within the timeframe set.”

               - Commander Robert Fancy OBE 

Intelligent and highly self-motivated his proficiency at what he does puts him well ahead of his peers. He was keen to take on additional responsibilities of his section with full knowledge that he would not receive a promotion and he has shown a very high level of creativity and an innovative approach to problem solving. Notably, he developed a new method for maintaining operational time limits, and unprompted produced a comprehensive training guide. Undoubtedly possessing the ability to reach further he has a very bright future and fully justifies his very strong recommendation for promotion.

                 - LTD CDR Cotterill

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