Photographs Between Selfies
Photographs between selfies
By Cole Thompson
This project is about engagement. My photographic practice began as a fascination with developing a professional type of photographic output. As a subject, I began photographing my son and quickly realised that he was responding to the interaction. My Son is Autistic, his behaviours are multifaceted and complex. We began to share the process of photography allowing us to create a new way of communicating.Our close interactions through photography strengthened our bond and gave a way for me to see aspects of him that I would have otherwise missed. Art is not inherently communication, but all art is communication, photographs between selfies are the unscripted moments in life that celebrate the perfectly imperfect human experience, a trail of breadcrumbs that does not lead to a beginning or end, they remind
us what is important in life by threading together the moments that stand out beyond others. Photography matters because it freezes moments in our lives that would ultimately fade in memory over timeThe photos I decided to use each encapsulate the summit of a moment in time or the descent shortly afterwards, I hoped that using this formula would coax a response from the viewer as if the moment was playing out in front of them, I want to present the moments we are all in tune with, that needs no words or context in order for someone to connect with and reflect.
I use a primarily dark tone over my photographs not because I want to invoke feelings of fear or sorrow but because the darkness is not an absolute, it is the mystery and it is the unknown that surrounds us all,
We do not remember the days, we remember the moments.
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Photographs Between Selfies - Artsteps exhibition