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I love photography and without even mentioning the breathtaking moments that photography captures. It just seems so amazing to me that when you take photographs using natural light you are freezing the precise position of photons that were born at the center of a star roughly one hundred thousand years ago right around the same time that the Homosapien species started to leave their shelters and venture out across the wide world. Those photons then spend that time from the beginning of humanity right up to the present day bouncing around the inside of the sun colliding with other particles up to trillions of times before they reach the edge of the sun and are then flung at 679,616,629 mph across the inky black abyss of space in every direction taking around eight and a half minutes to reach the earth where they are diffused and scattered all over the planet through our atmosphere before finally reaching the end of their journey by striking a surface and entering our eyes but in that tiny moment, a camera will freeze the fastest thing in the known universe a fraction of a fraction of a moment before the end of its journey.


Some people claim that photography is not art, what would you call harnessing the power of creation and source of all life in the solar system, freezing the fastest thing in the universe using photons created at the dawn of mankind to capture one moment out of infinity.

Natural/Unnatural World

I started learning Photography by taking photos of the things around me. Once I had spent a year doing this I moved to capturing events and weddings.


Event Photography


Regardless of the size of the event I take pride in capturing the spirit of the occasion and the overall feeling experienced from being there. Large or small we all experience the event from a single perspective and I try to give a balanced view of the event from as many places as possible.


Wedding Photography


Drone Photography

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